Safety data demonstrates the biosimilarity
As part of the totality of evidence, no notable differences between OGIVRI® and reference trastuzumab in the incidence, severity of immune response and treatment-emergent adverse events10All grade TEAEs by Week 24 in the overall safety population (≥10% in either group)
Events OGIVRI + taxane (n=247) Reference trastuzumab + taxane (n=246) ≥1 TEAE 239 (96.8) 233 (94.7) CTCAE preferred term Alopecia 142 (57.5) 135 (54.9) Neutropenia 142 (57.5) 131 (53.3) Peripheral neuropathy 57 (23.1) 61 (24.8) Diarrhea 51 (20.6) 51 (20.7) Asthenia 54 (21.9) 40 (16.3) Leukopenia 42 (17.0) 51 (20.7) Nausea 49 (19.8) 34 (13.8) Anemia 40 (16.2) 40 (16.3) Peripheral edema 35 (14.2) 28 (11.4) Fatigue 28 (11.3) 33 (13.4) Vomiting 26 (10.5) 19 (7.7) Pyrexia 21 (8.5) 30 (12.2) Arthralgia 30 (12.1) 11 (4.5)
No Difference in Median LVEF between OGIVRI and reference trastuzumab
No new safety signals in long-term follow up*
All grade TEAEs in patients who continued on monotherapy (10% in either group)*
OGIVRI (n=179) Trastuzumab (n=164) TEAEs, n(%) All grades All grades Any TEAE 124 (69.3) 119 (72.6) Headache 19 (10.6) 23 (14.0)
*Safety data are cumulative from start of monotherapy at 24 weeks through 36 months of follow-up from the last patient on study.
LVEF: Left ventricular ejection fraction; TEAEs: Treatment emergent adverse events